Signs That Your Drinking May Be a Problem
Make a note of the statements that apply to you:
-You often drink more alcohol than you intend to.
-You black out or don’t remember what happened when you were drinking alcohol.
-Your friends or family complain that you drink too much alcohol or drink alcohol too often.
-You become angry or rude when you drink alcohol.
-You get the shakes when you try to stop drinking alcohol.
-You often do things while drinking alcohol that you regret later.
-You sometimes drink alcohol and drive at a level of unsafe intoxication.
-You have gotten arrested related to your drinking.
-You have gotten into bar fights.
-Your drinking has caused problems in your relationships.
-You have been too hung over to carry out work, school, social, or home life obligations.
-You have gotten a DUI or a DWI.
-You drink alcohol until you pass out.
-Your hands shake when you’re not drinking.
-You often vomit the day after you drink.
-You have trouble falling asleep at night when you do not drink alcohol.
-You can not remember the last time you went more than a day without a drink.
If any of these statements apply to you, your drinking may be a problem. Some people who experience problematic drinking can stop on their own; others may need help. Clay Community Counseling can help. Call (904) 801-5800 or email michellefiallo@claycommunitycounseling.com to schedule an appointment today.